Carbon Market Services
[ dee-kahr-buh-neyt ]
verb (used with object), de·car·bon·at·ed, de·car·bon·at·ing.
to remove carbon dioxide from…
Transition planning and emissions abatement strategies that decrease your carbon footprint.
Explore carbon market attributes to prioritize your low emission projects.
Explore how to mitigate emissions inside and outside of your product value chain.
To understand how to decrease your carbon footprint - you have to know where your emissions come from!
Transition Planning
Emissions Reductions
Climate Risk Management
Carbon Offsetting
Affirmative advocates for the use of carbon offsets that possess the following qualities:
Verified — the project must follow an accepted protocol and must be monitored, validated and reported with transparency
Registered — the credits must possess a unique serial number and must be retired upon sale to prevent double counting
Additional — the project would not be feasible or would not exist without the funds generated by credit sales
Permanent — the project continues to remove emissions for an extended period of time (and has appropriate buffers in place)
Measurable — the amount of CO₂e reduced or avoided must be traceable and reported against a known and creditable baseline
No Leakage — the project must not lead to inadvertent harm or allow for an increase of emissions that are created elsewhere
Compliance Market
Since the Paris Agreement, governments are becoming more stringent about how Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are being managed. Companies from high-emitting sectors have limitations to the number of tonnes of CO₂e (allowances) they can create. Once the cap is reached, credits can be traded or purchased or a penalty is paid. Depending on the jurisdiction, registered carbon offsets can be used to decrease emissions that count toward the cap.
voluntary Market
Fortunately, many companies are purchasing carbon offsets to contribute to their overall ESG strategies. The voluntary market is less rigorously regulated and the project types vary widely in type, scale and quality, which has also resulted in price volatility. An historic lack of consistent requirements for offset projects in the voluntary market has marred the reputation of offset use. To ensure that individual projects are well executed, absolute due diligence is required when procuring offsets.
While we anxiously await agreement on how Article 6 of the Paris Agreement will be governed, we can begin to use the voluntary carbon market to create bilateral transactions (between countries) that reduce and remove global emissions and facilitate co-benefits (such as those described by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We recommend using only the highest quality voluntary carbon offsets to (potentially) meet the standards of anticipated, internationally-supervised, compliance trading mechanism.
Affirmative will show you how to choose high-quality carbon offsets that align to your ESG strategy: